I have a wizard we created that exports the contents of a dataset to Excel. The wizard allows the user to select the columns, change the filter, change the column headings prior to performing the export. Currently, we are limited to exporting a table (or materialized view). I would like to be able to pass a dataset or fully Substituted SQL statement into the wizard. In a test I tried using the .SubstitutedSQL property but received an error stating that not all variables are defined
NewDataset.Active := True;
Error occurred.

One can assume that all the passed in datasets will have at least one variable.

In a post titled "Assign a toracledataset to another? " dated 15 September, 2003, ziller asked [quote]is there a way to clone a toracledataset ? i mean myrorads2.assign(myorads1);[/quote]and you responded with [quote]You will have to assign the individual properties to copy the dataset. All properties can be assigned though, even properties such as Variables, QBEDefinition, and so on.[/quote]Do I have to assign every single dataset properties or can I assign only those that might differ between the two datasets. For example, NewDataset.Variables.Assign(OldDataset.Variables) and NewDataset.SQL.Assign(OldDataset.SQL). If I don't need to assign them all can you suggest which ones I should always assign?

Richard Anderson