Installed Plyxon at while back and now upgraded to the latest beta. I have a windows laptop, but like the fresh take on PL/SQL development! Want to share my thoughts so far and what I'm still looking for, but I'm quite enthusiastic already!:
What I like already:
+ The responsive and fast interface!
+ The clean interface with buttons and functions just where you need them
+ The instant dark mode plyxon inherits from my os settings
+ Selects from the query window presented in a list. (Would like to suggest to put the driving tablename in the list though, instead of select *...)
+ I like the Files option just like PL/SQL Developer
+ and probably a lot more that I've not discovered yet...

What I miss most from PL/SQL Developer:
* Projects; I have to switch tasks frequently and projects really helps me to switch to another topic with all required files fast.
* Tools like: explain plan, sessions, compile Invalid objects, import, export, compare, event monitor, self defined tools, documents, ...
* I Always found the Oracle help integration in PL/SQL developer useful
* configurable Web searches
* profile and trace reports in debug
* lots of features that you mostly miss when really start working with something else

What I'm looking for:
* I hope the Plyxon take on editing will take things a bit further. Block editing of course, and an option to ctrl-click on words (identifiers) in a code and then align them all at once. * Regular expressions in find and replace, oracle syntax or posix fi.
* An option to select favorite Schemas and an option to toggle between all / favorites.
* recompile schema / recompile all option in the object browser.
* support for pl/scope
* support for ords

Last edited by koja; 02/28/24 11:03 PM.

Certainty of death, small chance of succes,
What are we waiting for... (Gimly)