Currently storing and re-opening DB packages in a project doesn't work as expected.

1. Open several packages from DB via objects browser with right click "View Spec & Body"
2. Save one or more of the opened packages in an existing project (Menu: Project > Add to Project)
3. Save, close project (and PL/SQL Developer), reopen project
4. Open package via project items with right click "Open item" or "Open all Items"

Observed behavior:
Only the spec of the repective package(s) is re-opened and displayed in edit mode.

Expected behavior:
The re-opened packages are displayed in "View Spec & Body" mode. The initial "opening mode" should be preseved, after adding a package to a project when reopening it later.

The same applies to Packages opened in "Edit Spec & Body" mode (in 1.).

Developer Version (64 bit)
Windows 10 Build 19045