
I have a package body source, that has non-standard literal character in it (ASCII function returns 50072). The body compiles without any problems and when I check the compiled source, this character is still there.
There is a problem however, when I try to compare my local source to current database source, because in both Editor.pcf and Database.pcf files that character is transformed to 'O' (ASCII = 79).
Needless to say, that may lead to some problems when for example someone wants to make local source up to date by copying the whole DB source from the comparision tool, which exactly happened in my case.

Best Regards.

P.S. I can't put the problematic character in the post, because PHP Forum Software doesn't cooperate with it, so run "SELECT CHR(50072) FROM dual;" to see, what I mean smile

Last edited by Scovron; 08/07/19 06:56 AM.