Hi Marco,

i have a question, i don't know if this is the correct place to ask it.

We have several programs writen in delphi using DOA. In the last year we discovered that if the program crashes due to the fact that there is a field missing. The program starts to generate "minidump" files. They have names like:


the fist character is often a strange ascii, not a normal character.

The problem is that the program does not end. It disappears from the taskbar. Taskmanger shows it in memory. The program keeps on generating minidump files every second until the process is killed in memory.

I can't discover what causes this. We had this in our delphi7 versions last year. That disapeared when we upgraded to a newer doa version 4.1. Know we have te same problem in delphixe2 using the 4.1 doa version. This is probably an coincedence.

Do you have any idea? Can you point me in the right direction?

Kind regards


Last edited by Ruudbern; 12/27/12 01:05 PM.