[quote]Originally posted by fabiorcg:
I have a system event trigger (servererror) on database ( and i'm having the same problem. It occurs when i click in "Break" (or Shift+Esc) while i'm in a debuging session.

Are there any workaround for this issue??
[/quote]It maybe Oracle bug.
It's a database event trigger "after servererror" on database or schema.
If there's a trigger on schema (even empty) it's
impossible to debug code in this schema (the session hangs) but
in other schemas there's no problems.
A trigger on database schema (even empty too) causes a session hang up
while debugging any code in this database.
create or replace trigger tr_error
after servererror on database|schema
For instance, attempts to debug (step by step) this
function always fail (the debugger session hangs):
create or replace procedure debug_test_ver2
l_s varchar2(1);
It seems that the reason is that the line "l_s:='xxx';" raises an exception
which is catched by the database event trigger "after servererror"
and the debugger hangs. After killing the hung up sessions the server generates
two trace files (PBSDE.DEBUG_LOOP (WAIT = pipe get)...). If the trigger ("after servererror") is
dropped or disabled then everything works fine.