I write "<table>." and get a list of all the columns, with user_id first.
I write "<table>.u" and now user_comment is first with user_id second.
I'm guessing you're using column order first, and then sort order?
When no partial column name is typed, the complete list is presented. By default in physical order, but you can change it to alphabetical order by clicking on the sort button at the bottom. This sort order is persistent.
When you type a "u", everything that includes a "u" is presented. Column names that start with a "u" are listed first. This is indeed in alphabetical order.
Also: When I've maximized the window and write at the bottom, the list of suggestions is in the way; It goes across of where I'm writing.
Looks like you're placing it below and then it is pushed up?
The list in indeed kept "on-screen". We'll see if we can correct the situation where it will block your own text. Probably the list should be one character to the right, so that your text and the cursor remain visible.