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Bad Performance When Executing Report From Command Line
#64486 03/07/23 10:46 AM
Joined: Mar 2023
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Dear all,
I'm using Query Reporter version 4 (64bit) with Oracle 19 client, on MS Server 2019.
I have SQL query/report (pure list of records) giving 141500 records.

1. When I open report definition and run the report it will fetch all the records in approx. 5 minutes. Then I use the button to export to xlsx and it takes approx. another 5 minutes to get excel file opened with the results

2. When I run the same with using of command line (bat file) to get the data into excel, all the records are fetched within the same time as in the first case, but then it takes extremally long to get the excel file created, it runs approx. 15-20 minutes to get the excel file created.
This is the command I'm using:

"C:\Program Files\Query Reporter\QueryReporter.exe" exec="C:\IFS_HeavyReporting\ReportDefinitions\BR_CUST_INV_DET_LC_CAT.rep" excel="C:\IFS_HeavyReporting\ReportOutput\BR_CUST_INV_DET_LC_CAT_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%_%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%.xlsx" quit

Any idea what might be the reason of the bad performance and is there any tip to speed it up from command line?

Thanks Jan

Last edited by polednik; 03/07/23 11:07 AM.
Re: Bad Performance When Executing Report From Command Line
polednik #64487 03/08/23 09:43 AM
Joined: Aug 1999
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Joined: Aug 1999
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I did a quick test on Windows 11, but found no significant performance difference. I will try the same on a Windows Server 2019 machine shortly and will let you know my findings.

Marco Kalter
Allround Automations

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