I'm starting report with command:
<QueryReporter Path>\QUERYREPORTER.EXE userid=test/t@oracle exec=<Report Path>\My_Report.rep "&MyVar=Value_Of_MyVar" EDIT=OFF VIEWER=IE.
When QueryReporter starts there is no Value_Of_MyVar in MyVar field on parameter window. After pressing "Cancel" and then Execute (F8) value of MyVar appears on parameter window.
Also I would like to remind you on the issue described on this forum under topic named "Exporting to MS Excel" from 19 August, 2004 10:16. It's about canceling export to MS Excel after QR is called with command:
<QueryReporter Path>\QUERYREPORTER.EXE userid=test/t@oracle exec=<Report Path>\My_Report.rep "&MyVar=Value_Of_MyVar" EXCEL HIDE EDIT=OFF VIEWER=IE. After canceling or pressing ESC QR doesn't quit but exports data to MS Excel.