There are some hints, that PL/SQL Developer Version (64 bit) is a bit too smart to align with the given character set of a DB. This is the situation:

- Oracle DB version 12c Release 2
- The value of the NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter is WE8ISO8859P15
- There is a clob field in a table that contains the character “ (which is not the regular double quote) among others.

Latest Developer 15 displays this character correctly.
Latest Developer 14 displays ¿ instead (this or any other error-like character seems the correct way to display this regarding the given charset).

This character is not part of the IEC 8859-15 charset (as far as my internet findings go:, explicitly described here:
IEC 8859-13 is the only 8859 charset, that actually contains this special double quote U+201D (

I'm not deep into the charset mayhem and so there might be other reasons for that. But that was the finding, that hints to a Developer display issue. This needs some further evaluation how Developer's display of characters is involved here.

Last edited by zakko; 08/17/22 12:09 PM.