I have a function with a record type parameter, but I can't figure out how to call it. Is this possible?
This is not directly possible. Direct Oracle Access does not have record type variables, because Oracle does not publish information about this feature. One work around is to create a small PL/SQL block that has only input and/or output variables of a scalar data type, that are converted to/from a locally define record variable that is passed to the procedure:

  dr dept%rowtype;
  -- Copy from scalar variables if the record is an input parameter
  dr.deptno := :deptno;
  dr.dname := :dname;
  dr.loc := :loc;
  -- Call the procedure with the local record
  -- Copy to scalar variables if the record is an output parameter
  :deptno := dr.deptno;
  :dname := dr.dname;
  :loc := dr.loc;
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