Just a quick one this time ... is there a way, after haing described a query, to retrieve a TOracleObject even though the query has not yet been executed?

I need/want this ability in the case where a table with object columns does not have any rows (my code currently fetches the object from the first row and uses it's methods to 'describe' it) ... currently I plan to either interrogate the Oracle Data Dictionary (which I already have code for, but ...), or write a new method for TOracleQuery which makes use of OCI (for performance) to return an object similar to TOracleObject ...
This is not possible right now. The type name and owner are only known internally (TFieldData.TypeName = owner.name). If you have the source files it's pretty straightforward to create a TOracleQuery.FieldTypeName though.

Marco Kalter
Allround Automations
I came to pretty much the same conclusion, and added the following method:

function TOracleQuery.FieldTypeName(FieldId: Integer): String;
if (FieldId < 0) or (FieldId > FieldList.Count - 1) then
raise Exception.Create('Field ' + IntToStr(FieldId) + ' does not exist');
Result := (FieldList.Items[FieldId] as TFieldData).TypeName;

Thanks for confirming that I went the right way
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