we have a query like below.
select plsqlapi.function1(param1,param2) from dual;

function1 returns a string.

when we open the query we are getting an access violation.

can you please help us to find it?

Direct Oracle Access
Delphi 10.1 Berlin
Oracle 19c
can you please consider this as high priority?
Can you check if the max_string_size parameter for this database is set to extended? The TOracleDataSet is not compatible with extended string data.
no, it is set as standard.
We've just ecountered the same behavior...
Delphi 10.2, DOA 4.1.3, Oracle RDBMS 21, Oracle Client 19.
The query is executed correctly (you can see with Oracle Monitor), but something wrong happens internally in delphi when the records are read into the dataset.
It happens quite randomly, only some query...(but still the same, without nothing particular).
We were forced to use Oracle Client 11 / 12 to solve the problem.
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