I have been trying out the new PackageWizard!
It is very cool! This will really make life working with packages much easier.

I do have one issue and one suggestion for an enhancement.

In our database system we have multiple database schemas (with multiple versions of schemas in some cases). To group the packages under each schema, our DBA uses a convention of 'prefix_package_name' for a global synonym, where prefix is usually the schema name not including the version.

Unfortunately the Package Wizard either uses the actual schema, (schema.package_name) or relies on an implicit synonym that is the same as the package name.

If there was a way to add a package name prefix in the wizard for the synonym that would allow us to use this. Without it, it will be impossible to use the generated code without editing the package names.

The suggestion is to create public properties in the TDerivedPackageObject for the package constants and variables. I realize this would complicate the parsing of the spec, and require generating alot of Get/Set methods, but it would truly make the object represent the package.
