I have a PL/SQL procedure named p_AddCustomer inside a package named AddCustomerPackage.
It has three parameters: cust_id OUT, cust_name IN, cust_info IN. The cust_id value is a sequence using NEXTVAL.
This procedure works, and can be called successfully either from SQL Plus or from a
TOraclePackage component. (It is successful in that the record is written, the
sequence updates, and the proper fields are filled out with the proper values.)
The problem is, I can't get the cust_id back from GetParameter - the parameter doesn't update, it remains the value it was initialized.

C++ doesn't have any par-constants that I'm aware of, so I can't quite copy the example in the docs. What do I try next?
(I've tried with both positional and named parameters - changing the property in the
component each time - and get the same result either way)

here's the code:

int gCustID = 0;
Variant var[3] = {gCustID,passCustName,passCustInfo};
gCustID = AddCustomerPackage->GetParameter(0);

Is GetParameter supposed to work on the procedure just called? If not, how do you
completely specify what procedure you are calling it on? (the package might
contain several procedures...)