[quote]Originally posted by Marco Kalter:
You have to understand that in QBE mode, with Allow Operators = True, the fields do not have values. [/quote]Of course, I said about values of the QBEDefinition (QBEDefinition->Fields[i]->Value).
However if Allow Operators = True then for all lookup-fields values of the QBEDefinition are equal Null. In my opinion it is bad news :-) and I hope you will find a better solution in the future.
To correct this problem I have used now the BeforeQBE event. I have found and cleared values of KeyFields for all lookup fields. For example (simplified version):
for(int i=0;i<Sender->FieldCount;i++)
TField *f=Sender->Fields->Fields[i];
if(f->FieldKind == fkLookup)
TQBEField *QBEField=Sender->
AnsiString s=QBEField->FieldName;
if(f->LookupKeyFields != "")
TList *lKeyFs= new TList();
for(int j=0;j<lKeyFs->Count;j++)
TField *fl=(TField *)lKeyFs->Items[j];
delete lKeyFs;
It is clumsy solution but, IMHO, it is better of current solution :-).