Hi Marco,

I want to run the following query:
select nchr(1513) from dual;
under Oracle 9i and get back a unicode character (it's a hebrew character that looks like a styleized 'W' that I'm using for testing.) I can't seem to get this back using DOA (I'm using some Unicode aware controls and have been able to just display the character without using DOA.) I have been able to get the above query to work using a web page and ASPDotNet (with the Oracle .Net data provider.) Any thoughts on this? My nchar characterset is set for UTF-16 and I'm doing this on Windows XP. I've tried setting BytesPerChar to autodetect as well as other values with no changes. The normal (non nchar) dataset I'm using is a single byte charset.


Mark Ford
Benthic Software

[This message has been edited by benthicsoftware (edited 21 April 2003).]

Mark Ford
Benthic Software