All the documentation I've encountered about Midas support and the Provider info says that DOA supports the TDatasetProvider in Delphi 5. Although I can't exactly tell, it also appears to state that TOracleProvider should be used in D4, but not for D5.

We use D4 and I am trying to see what's involved in migrating from TQuery to TOracleDataSets in our MIDAS application...we store field definitions on the AppServer in the TQuery components and use the TProvider Options property to set poIncFieldProps to transfer those props over to the client dataset.

If I don't care about field props, then the TOracleProvider works fine throughout the app, but there's no equivalent option to the poIncFieldProps in this component.

When I try a TDatasetProvider (which has the poIncFieldProps), then I can no longer use aDataSet.Provider.DataRequest on the client to get data packets...this method of retrieving data is important for good WAN performance as we limit the RecordPackets to 5 at a time as well as providing some WHERE clause modifiers in the DataRequest's Input parameter that's tacked on to the end of the SQL of the TQuery before it's opened on the server.

So this leads me to two questions:

Is the TDatasetProvider fully supported in D4? If so, what's the equivalent code workaround to the above scenario?

If the TDatasetProvider *not* supported in D4, what is different between D4 and D5 that it then becomes supported?