
Could someone advise me, please? I'm using PLSQL Developer for a long time, right now I'm a user of v13. The problem I'm struggling with is the following: PLSQL Dev freezes every time I need my CodeAssistant or if want to open a package from the database and so on. Anytime I select a table and click to a cell PLSQL Dev tries to fetch comments for the table and freezes. That's annoying. Any interaction with the metadata (data dictionary) causes huge pain and waitings. 100% of my worktime I work through VPN with databases far away from me. Tnsping shows me 600msec as an average.
Is it possible to disable some of these features to wait for less? Or maybe there is a way to enable some kind of caching of the data dictionary objects?

Best regards,
Dmitry Mitrofanov
Dima, maybe disabling of this option will help: Prefs/Options/Use DBA Views if available.
Hi lost,

This option is disabled already.
I have seen exactly the same thing. I have learned, somewhat unsuccessfully, to avoid clicking anything that will go ask Oracle for more information. Only helps a bit since there are lots of places where all this helpfulness is invoked, which by and large should be a good thing but not so much over VPN connections...
Use DBA views if available - should be always on. These queries are more efficient.

What you're looking for is "SQL Window - Show dictionary info in result grid". Disable it.

Everything else is pretty much untunable.

Is it possible to have an answer from AllroundAutomations here?
We bought the software and it's really annoying to use it right now taking into account freezes because of VPN and bad caching of metadata dictionary.
To obtain some more diagnostic information, can you modify the PL/SQL Developer shortcut and add the DebugSQL parameter? For example:

"C:\Program Files\PLSQL Developer 13\plsqldev.exe" DebugSQL

Reproduce the problem and send me the debug.txt file that is generated in the PL/SQL Developer directory or in the %APPDATA%\PLSQL Developer 13 directory (e.g. C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\PLSQL Developer 13).

We have the same problem and there is not solution at the moment. PL/SQL Developer is a great IDE but is not usable when you have 50ms or more latency with database.

For example, if you open a window to describe a table, the time calculation at best is: number of columns * latency, that is, if the latency is 600ms and the table has 100 fields, the load time will be 1 minute. With other IDEs the time is much less, therefore it is something clearly improvable.

This is very frustrating when many databases are currently deployed in the cloud and when you work with databases in another continent.

You have to search alternatives:

1.- Search another IDE. In our case it is something we are considering(I will not give names).
2.- Install Windows Server with RDP near database and install PL/SQL Developer in that server. That means buying terminal server licenses (approximately $ 150 per user) and renting a Windows Server in the cloud to install PL/SQL Developer (approximately $ 200 for each cloud every month)
I'm suspecting that, for Code Assistant, each item from the dropdown gets queried individually, by a separate DB query. My suspicion comes solely from the observation that when I spawn the Code Assistant, my mouse cursor blinks frenzily between the "arrow" and the "SQL hourglass".

It's slow not only via VPN, it's slow always. Developers simply do not like waiting. And this implementation of Code Assistant smells of bad design.
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