Posted By: msoracle Save "working environment" with some name - 03/07/19 08:15 AM
Programmers often use several simultaneously open instances of the PL/sql Developer with own set of open files, windows, etc., specific to the task being performed. I would like to be able to save the "working environment" with some name in order to choose which one to open when the program starts next time. Using Projects is not always convenient.
I have added this to the list of enhancement requests.

Note that you can already use the desktop=<name> command-line parameter. For example:

"C:\Program Files\PLSQL Developer\plsqldev.exe" desktop=dev1

Now PL/SQL Developer will save and restore all windows under the "dev1" name.

You can use multiple desktop names to save multiple desktop configurations.
It would be nice if the desktop feature were more flexible. Right now I'm using separate short cuts for my several instance e.g. desktop=dev or desktop=acp. If it would be possible to select a previously used desktop or enter a new desktop name on startup, there's no more need to create multiple shortcuts.

Just my 2c.
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