Posted By: m.rup Problems in OracleData.hpp - 07/24/14 10:10 AM
we are evaluating Embarcadero C++ Builder XE6 and appropriate DOA tools. As soon as OracleData.hpp gets included, an error is occuring. Its telling aboute some ambiguity regarding function PSExecuteStatement. I would submit a screen shot if would know how. May the fact that there meet two trial versions have some impact?
Posted By: Marco Kalter Re: Problems in OracleData.hpp - 07/25/14 09:29 AM
This is indeed an error in the trial version. You will need to modify the OracleData.hpp file as follows:

1. Search for the following line:

/* Hoisted overloads: */

2. Remove the subsequent PSExecuteStatement declaration:

inline int __fastcall PSExecuteStatement(const System::UnicodeString ASQL, Data::Db::TParams* AParams){ return Data::Db::TDataSet::PSExecuteStatement(ASQL, AParams); }

We'll fix this in the trial version today.
Posted By: m.rup Re: Problems in OracleData.hpp - 07/25/14 10:30 AM
Dear Marco,

thanks for your quick reply. Maybe one more point I didn't mention before (sorry): Some path seems to be set incorrectly during installation of DOA tools. First error I get when I drop an OracleSession on my test form is 'Unable to open include file Oracle.hpp'. After that, I add the path to include->vcl manually in project options, now it works. Then, when I drop an OracleDataSet on my form and OracleData.hpp is required, the afforesaid error (ambiguity) occurs.

Thanks and regards

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