
We are migration our Delphi 7 application to XE6 in order to support Unicode.

I read DOA Addendum and the link below, but there is a problem we could not solve.


When we connect to AL32UTF8 database, we get "expecting : WideString actual : String" error. We then change dataset fields to WideString and no errors.

We connect the same application to WE8ISO8859P9 database, we get "expecting : String actual : WideString" error.

What should we do in order to be able to connect to databases with different CHARSETS with same application?

Thank you.
If your application needs to run on Unicode and non-Unicode databases and uses persistent dataset fields, then you should set TOracleSession.Preferences.ForceWideStringFields to True. Now all string fields will be WideStrings, both on Unicode databases and non-Unicode databases.
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